Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Days 15-17

Day 15, Monday- Was a pretty normal day, nothing out of the ordinary happened. I let her outside, about the same on the leash as before. She spent the majority of the day out of her pen, shes doing really well in the front room. I put her back in her pen when I leave and at night, but other than that she comes and goes from the living room and the front room. 
I noticed that shes started pooping near the front door, so maybe shes getting closer to wanting to house train, we can only hope! 

Day 16, Tuesday- We had a slight set back. :( 
Annie, was in the living room for a lot of the day, she stays on the couch under a blanket. She got up and while I was trying to get her and Woody into the front room, so she could at least potty on the paper (we were eating dinner at the time) she peed in the floor. I think my getting a towel and my husband getting up to pull the rug back scared her. She went into the corner and knocked the end table a little bit, which then knocked over a glass of water, which shattered. It was a bit of a disaster! After the glass shattered, she ran into Anderson's room and got under his crib, I had to pull her out by the collar which is REALLY bad. I hate doing that to her, but she needed to go to the quiet of the front room. I sent Woody in with her. She then went behind the basket of shoes and stayed there for a long while, I just let her calm down on her own. 
I think that pulling her out from under the bed hurt her trust with me, because that is such a scary action! 

Day 17, Wednesday- After out little set back yesterday, I just let her chill out today. I didn't mess with her too much other than the check that she had eaten her food and say hello to her. I let her tell me when she was ready to come out of her pen and sure enough, she did, at about 2 pm. She whined to be let out, so I let her out of the pen, she came into the living room and is now laying on the couch with Woody. 
She took some treats from me while we were in the front room and it looks like we're back to where we were on Monday before the set back. 

I started putting fish oil on her food, which has greatly increased the amount of dry food she eats. Shes eating about 1 1/2 cups a day of dry food now! Its great! Shes still only eating at night after I turn the lights out, but eating in the dark is better than not eating at all.
Yesterday, I tried to feed her with Woody, but she wouldn't eat with him, she waited until after we went to bed. I don't think shes comfortable enough to eat during the day yet, but we'll get there.

Friday, is going to be a huge day for Annie and I. Its going to be a very intensive day for us. My son will be leaving in the mid-morning and will be gone all night. My husband is working all day and has plans in the evening that will keep him out until late. So, it will just be me and Annie ALL day! That means, I will tether her to me for the whole day. Hours worth of getting to know my movements and getting to know each other. I am so excited for that! I'll definitely write about how it goes, maybe this will push us to the next rung of the trust ladder. *Fingers crossed*

Last, but most definitely not least, I would like to give a HUGE thank you to Gina Reardon and her mom, who so kindly donated to Annie, 50 tennis balls! I can not wait to get her outside and playing with them! Thank you ladies so much for that!

Thanks for reading, have a great day everyone!

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