Sunday, April 6, 2014

Days 13-14

Day 13; Annie spent some time outside with us as a family! She was on a slip leash and her harness. I need her to get used to the sounds my son makes, and he did really well to not mess with her too much. 
I tried to tether her to Woody, but they got tangled up. She was trying to walk to the fence and he was trying to walk with me, so it was a stalemate. Then she would get spooked and go under his feet and tangle them up! It was comical to say the least. After about 5 solid minutes of being tethered, I let Woody loose and walked Annie around on her own. She went to my husband for some love and sat under his chair. I let him hold on to her leash while I cleaned litter boxes. He walked her around the yard a bit, she does like him better! LOL 
We found out that she really likes WATER! She got into the pond as far as she could on the leash and laid down! So she may just like baths after all! 
I didn't get a chance to bathe her yesterday, I ran some errands and when I got back, it wasn't overly warm so I thought I would wait till it was over 80°. 

When we came back into the house, she came straight into the living room and laid on the couch. My son scared her a bit, so she got in the corner next to the couch, which is okay for now. Shes still getting used to everything and in that spot shes pretty well hidden from the boy! 
After Anderson, went to bed, I got her out of the corner. She sniffed around and stretched and seemed pretty happy about being with Woody. I was worried that she was going to potty on the rug, so I led her and Woody into the front room where there is paper. 
I think she was just happy to be with Woody! 
It was the first night that she slept outside of the pen! I left Woody in there with her, since he makes her more comfortable. 

This leads us to Day 14! I got up before everyone. Annie was sleeping in the second dog bed, on the side of the front room with the french doors. I think Woody was sleeping in her bed, in her pen! I waited for Woody to get up before I took them outside, I wanted her to see that all she has to do is ask to go outside. 
I leashed her up and we took our first morning walk! I was hoping that there would be some potty action outside, no such luck. We walked around for about 10 minutes and she did really well, but still no pee! 

I left them in the front room, since Anderson was awake. I can see them through the french door, from my desk. As I've been watching, I've seen Annie try to engage Woody is play a few times, hes not responding. She goes up to him and gets sort of pouncy and bouncy and play bows, but he's being an old man and not playing! But how great is that?! I think she loves him! 

I found treats that she likes! They're Bil-Jac liver flavored soft chews. I got the bigger ones for Woody, so I break them in half for Annie, and they both really like them! YAY for finding the right treat! 

I've been taking her outside several times a day, but she still isn't going potty any of the times out. Until she goes potty outside, I think I'm going to have to pull my rug up in the front room. She likes to pee on it, like just little dots of pee, nothing too serious, but I would rather not ruin it. I think we're SO close to her being ready for house training, but until then my rug doesn't have to suffer! 
I did give her a treat when we came back in, maybe soon she'll understand! 

My only issue right now is, keeping her away from the fence. She doesn't understand why she can't be free and why she can't run away. She is always pulling to go to the fence, shes just obsessed with it. I think thats why shes not going potty, because shes too focused on getting to the fence. But once we finally get to the fence, we looks at me like, "why are you still here? I'm trying to escape, can you turn around?" So I told her this morning that shes not getting away, that she should just accept it! Once she realizes I'm still there, she comes and walks with me. 
I'm just not sure how to break her of this obsession. I humor her for a bit, like walk the length of the fence, until she sees that I'm not going to let her go, then we walk back into the middle of the yard and then back to the fence we go. Will she get used to being in the yard? Or, as I fear, will she always be obsessed with trying to get out?
Hopefully, sometime this week we will get her new pen. I think that will help tremendously. 

Thanks for reading! Have a great Sunday everyone! 

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